
Investigating the Fuzzy Areas of Accuracy and Confidence of Muslim Pupils-learners of Greek as Second Language in Thrace Greece

Investigating the Fuzzy Areas of Accuracy and Confidence of Muslim Pupils-learners of Greek as Second Language in Thrace Greece

Abstract | Περίληψη

In recent years there has been an increasing interest in teaching Greek as a second/foreign Language among Muslim, Turkish speaking populations of Thrace. The majority of the Muslims in Thrace may have grown up in an environment where the official language is Greek, however, they speak either Turkish and/or Pomak but do not speak a word of Greek. They usually come in contact with Greek for the first time if they decide to go to a state school, primary or secondary, where instruction is in Greek but even then, they can hardly construct a simple sentence in Greek. Things can get more complicated linguistically as young pupils will also have to attend English and, sometimes, French or German as compulsory subjects in the curriculum. These children will hardly deal with Greek in their school years and they usually go to study in Turkey. Given the specific situation, we have every reason to believe that the main source for the poor performance of those children at school is mainly the low level of their linguistic competence in the Greek language, which is also transferred into any other subject taught in this language. Consequently, we feel that it constitutes a real challenge in all purely scientific-linguistic and educational-pedagogical levels, to contribute to the identification of theproblem and suggest ways to deal with it.

Language | Γλώσσα


See More | Περισσότερα


Citation | Βιβλιογραφική αναφορά

Intze, P., & Mathioudakis, N. (2009). Investigating the Fuzzy Areas of Accuracy and Confidence of Muslim Pupils-learners of Greek as Second Language in Thrace Greece. In K. Chatzopoulou, A. Ioannidou, & S. Yoon (eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Greek Linguistics (ICGL 9). 29-31 October 2009, pp. 517-523. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago. 

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